Drayton Dairy Site, Portsmouth

Drayton Dairy Site, Portsmouth

15th October 2020

New-Build Residential with Dual-Fuel, Substation and HV Connection

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

2020 will be remembered for one thing above all, Covid-19. The challenges it has presented to all of us have led to a new way of socialising, living and working. And life at Drayton Dairy was no different. Having been disrupted by the pandemic, the return to work required a complete change of plan: temporary connections to 10% of the 108 homes site; early connections to be co-ordinated with the water provider to minimise disruption and road closures. The ICP’s ability to react quickly and flexibly was key to maintaining forward momentum, despite necessary widespread programme changes, adopting new methods of working in keeping with government guidelines whilst remaining sensitive to the needs of the client, the local authorities and the other trades on-site. Attention to every detail is paramount to our team’s ethos.

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